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RES TMO - Regional Energy Supply and Storage in the Trinational Metropolitan Region Oberrhein (Upper Rhine)

The conversion to renewable energy sources (RES) is regarded worldwide as a significant challenge in the same way as in the Upper Rhine Trinational Metropolitan Region (TMO). In this context, the focus is on issues relating to the continuous security of energy supply and the flexibility of supply systems. The solution to this problem lies in the complementary use of energy systems and the improvement of storage capacities. The partners in the Interreg "RES-TMO" project are now developing an energy concept for the Upper Rhine region that will enable cross-border potential to be exploited efficiently.

This concept, which is also a "roadmap for an integrated RES-based energy market on the Upper Rhine", will contain scenarios, tools and recommendations for optimal cross-border use of complementary potentials on the basis of optimised transnational network structures. The aim is to identify and remove the border-related barriers to increasing the RES share in the energy mix, to make optimum use of the complementary generation, demand and storage potentials for RES and thus to generate synergy effects. This would contribute both to reducing emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases within the programme area and to security of supply despite strong energy systems.

The concept can support policy makers in implementing the energy system transformation within the programme area and at the same time serve as a blueprint for other European border regions.

Project website:

Project coordinator at the University of Freiburg: Ines Gavrilut, ines.gavrilut felis.uni-freiburg de